Our Ministries
At Calvary Baptist Church, we understand that the primary purpose of Christians is to help build and grow the Kingdom of God here on Earth. This includes personal growth (individual) as well as numerical (others). All of our efforts in this purpose have one common goal: the magnification of the glory of Jesus Christ.
God has blessed us to be where we are now - with the potential to be used by Him to change lives and reach our community! We are pleased to be debt-free as a church, but we are not to have a bank mentality. Our resources are to be used for God's glory and toward ministering to our community, state, and world. We invite all who are called to work alongside of us to accomplish the opportunities God has placed before us. We are excited and anticipatory about all that Jesus wants and can do through us. To God be all the glory!
Come and join us in the youth room on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. for a time of fellowship, prayer, and studying the Word of God. We believe in the importance and value of having a deep reverence for Scripture, for it reveals to us who Jesus really is. Through Scripture, we learn all sorts of things: we learn how to pray, we learn how to treat one another, we grasp the deeper meanings of life, we learn what's truth and what's not, etc. God speaks to us in in and through Scripture. The intentions of this world for the younger generation and beyond is ultimately to kill, steal, and destroy people and their respect for Scripture. Therefore we seek to train youth in the way they should go, even when they are old, they will not depart from it.
This ministry exists to help lead the church body in worship. We seek a Sunday morning worship time that celebrates the truth that Jesus is present and alive. We can worship with joy because our lives have been changed by God, Who loves us, and we’re declaring together that He is worthy of praise. The God-given talents of our volunteers are to enhance the atmosphere of reverence. If you desire to serve with with us, we would love to meet with you!
All Sunday School classes are at 9:30 a.m. Come and join us for some wholesome fellowship and great Bible studies!
Adult Sunday School
Youth Sunday School
Children's Sunday School
As women of God, founded in a relationship with Jesus Christ,
we have a very important role in the Kingdom of God. That role is to share the love of Christ with those around us in our church and in our community. We come together in the love of Christ and each other to receive a word from God and to learn what His Word means to us in our daily lives. In the near future we will have occasions to come together as Sisters in Christ to build Kingdom based relationships that are so important to us as women and as Christians in a world so filled with brokenness and pain.
With the Love of Christ
Men's Ministry
Iron Sharpens Iron
This group meets on Sunday afternoons at 2:30 in the field across from the church. Bro Jeff Acton leads the group in practicing archery skills and other interests. The group is open to all who are interested: Part of the focus is ministering to men through fellowship and discipleship. Weather permitting, the group meets weekly to engage in community among the participants.
Bag-mat Ministry
Spiritual Reality Advising
Vacation Bible School